
Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Mini sagas

Recently I have noticed the literary term mini saga appearing here and there. As a relatively new type of creative writing (first mini sagas appeared in 1982), it has not been widely used, and I wonder why.

Mini sagas are easy to use in the classroom with students of all ages. The themes will differ but not the format which is exactly 50 words. Twitter messages are very long in comparison. Students may like this type of class/home work because it is short. On the other hand, in the beginning they won't know that it is rather difficult to create a meaningful and coherent text using only 50 words. Why not give it a go?

I made a PowerPoint presentation which explains the idea and gives some examples borrowed from the internet.
See if you may find it helpful in your teaching.


  1. www.inesekeisa.blogspot.com2 April 2011 at 22:19

    you are amazing in doing all this job!

  2. www.inesekeisa.blogspot.com2 April 2011 at 22:26

    Am I the only one who cannot open the presentation? There is just a black square and I cannot notice any button to let it go. Why so?

  3. Hi Inese, I guess, it is your computer settings or lack of some software that prevents you from seeing the presentation.
