
Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Creating personalized seals (and having fun)

The current school year is approaching its end and in many schools teachers are struggling to keep students' minds on classroom work. Why not have some fun instead of cramming their heads with grammar rules?

I have been using the seal generator for some time and it has always brought joy because it is a creative and rewarding activity.

The seal maker is a web tool on the website which offers different tools for making funny images, signs, graphics and badges.

My favourite is the seal maker which lets you generate a personal seal which you can use on your documents, projects, homework, letters, webpages etc. Students love creating their own seals and proudly present them to their classmates.

Look at the seals made by three 15-year-old students. If you can get into the computer lab, you can have a whole lesson of fun letting your students make their personalized seals and voting for the best one at the end of the lesson.  You can also ask them to make a seal at home and send it to you or put it on their homework.

When you begin, you will need to explain some basic things about formatting options but usually students cope with such tasks very easily. Let them experiment, let them find the best design and colours and when they have finished, ask them to save their seal (it will be saved as a gif image). After that use it as you wish.

A lot of fun for everyone!

For more fun activities visit another of my favourite websites - the website and make tons of humorous and entertaining signs and images, e.g.:


  1. This is really cool! I'll be looking for ways to use it. I'd never heard of this before! Thank you!!

  2. I love the seals! Have posted about them on my classes blog: - thanks!!
