
Saturday, 27 July 2013

Hollywood is dead or is it?

This is my contribution to the 33rd ELT Blog Carnival titled Songs in ELT Classroom.

I made this worksheet quite a while ago and had forgotten about it until I read the theme of the current blog carnival. I thought it would be a good opportunity for my worksheet to have a second life.

This is one of my favourite Michael Bublé's songs Hollywood. The great Canadian singer himself has described the song as "being about his "tongue-in-cheek statement on the culture of celebrity". Notice his impersonation of Justin Bieber, it is amazing!

You may download the worksheet below with the traditional task - while listening, students have to write the missing words which they hear or insert the given verbs or nouns. The pictures serve as prompts.
The song lyrics are included in the worksheet, as well as the link to the video on YouTube. The second page need not be given to the students.

After listening, you may discuss with your students the idea of the song and ask the students if / how they understood the phrases "Hollywood is dead", "you sold yourself for this...", "love what is true...". Discuss the notion of celebrity culture, its illusions and false values. Ask why Hollywood represents a magic place where all dreams come true and if they always become reality.


Eva Buyuksimkesyan said...

Awesome lesson. Thanks a lot for your contribution.


Carissa Peck said...

Sorry I had the wrong link in the last comment. Let's try again!

Cute song! I don't know how I hadn't heard it until now. It reminds me of Brad Paisely's Celebrity If you like country music (or your students do). You could add this song and see what students think the similarities and differences are.

Baiba said...

Thanks for the song suggestion, Carissa. A different style but the message is the same. It would be interesting to compare the songs and make students draw some conclusions. I wonder if they would see the same things as we, teachers, do.

Merve Oflaz said...

Dear Baiba,
It's a pleasure for me to visit your blog. Thanks to the 33rd Blog Carnival:) I love your ideas. The last question you provided seems to be a great idea. Thay can even write about their own "Hollywood dream":)

signage sheffield said...

Good one! I am happy that I came across this post and had a chance to go through the same.

Baiba said...

Thanks for dropping by, S from Sheffield :)

Teacher Dana said...

Your worksheet is so cool! Teenagers would love it. The Hollywood topic is very relevant to them. I'm sure this will catch their attention. In my opinion, Hollywood is here to stay. ;)

Baiba said...

Dear Dana, thanks for the comment. Hope you can use my worksheet in your lessons! :)